Athletic Performance Studio FAQs
Getting Started –
What are Fitness Classes?
Our Fitness Classes follow a well-rounded exercise program that doesn’t focus on one aspect of fitness. For example, one day you’ll come in and work on getting stronger and another day the focus will be on improving your cardio. Within those workouts, you’ll perform a wide range of movements that are sure to keep things fresh and exciting.
What are Pilates Classes?
Our Pilates Classes allow you to focus and build your movement quality. We offer 3 different types of classes: Reformer Pilates, Cardio Pilates, and Pilates Flow. Each class is unique but they will all provide a way for you to develop, maintain, or enhance your foundation for movement. Each class is individually designed by the instructor, taking into account the ability level of the class and offering modifications/variations for all levels.
Who are Fitness Classes and Pilates Classes for?
Our classes are for everyone and for all skill levels! We are a coach-led, class based exercise studio that gets you working out with your friends in a fun and safe environment.
I’ve never done Pilates or a Fitness class before, what are my options to getting started?
We have 2 options for you to get started based on your experience and comfort level with exercise. The first option is to jump right into either class. The second option is to sign up for a 1-on-1 Trial Class. You can redeem your first free class here, and feel free to use it for either option!
What are 1-on-1 Trial Classes?
1-on-1 Trial Classes are classes that are meant to be introductory and/or informative. When you come to your class, you’ll be able to go over either our Fitness Classes or Pilates Classes. It’s a great opportunity to learn about all of the different movements involved in our Fitness Classes or Pilates Classes at your own pace and under the watchful eye of one of our coaches. Additionally, we use these sessions to assess movement patterns and answer any general health questions you may have.
What if I just want to go right into a Fitness Class or Pilates Class, are 1-on-1 Trial Classes required?
You’re more than welcome to come on down and attend either class! 1-on-1 Trial Classes are not required for you to get started. With our small to moderate class sizes, our coaches will still be able to provide you feedback and keep a watchful eye on you as you test out class.
Do I have to have prior experience or an exercise background before joining?
Absolutely NOT! A majority of our members have started with little to no experience at all. You’ll feel right at home once you step through our doors.
Membership and Classes –
What are your membership prices?
We know life can be hectic at some times, so you can always Pay As You Go (PAYG) – no monthly membership is required! Each class is $25. For those that plan to be with us on a consistent basis, we also offer monthly class membership packages that range from: 8 credits per month, 12 credits per month, or an unlimited option. Additionally, we offer family and first responder discounts. You can check out more info on pricing here!
What time are your classes?
We have 8 classes per day Monday through Friday, as well as 3 classes on Saturday and Sunday. Plenty of opportunities for you to get your exercise in!
Fitness Class Structure and Programming –
How is the programming for the Fitness Class Workouts written?
We program with multiple levels of experience in mind. Typically, you’ll see 3 levels for each workout. Our Level 1 option is geared towards the general population, with the intention of coming in to get a good sweat and hangout with your peers. You’ll see simple movements designed to keep you moving throughout the entire workout and having fun while you’re at it! Level 2 folks typically have been coming to our classes for some time now and look for a little bit more of a challenge. We’ll incorporate more advanced movements and up their rep scheme so they can continue to make progress throughout their entire fitness endeavor. As for our Level 3 option, a small portion of our gym enjoys competing at local competitions so we like to prepare them for those situations. Typically, a level 3 workout contains high skill movements and should be reserved for those that can demonstrate excellent movement quality on a regular basis. Check out the workouts for each week here!
What if I can’t do a specific exercise in a workout?
Never fear! All of our coaches have the capability to scale any workout to fit your current fitness level. We can take any movement and simplify it for you, or even substitute exercises so you can still get the same stimulus as everyone else. Whatever the case may be, there is always an option for everyone!
How is a typical class run?
The coach of your class will always start off by bringing everyone together for a class warm up. The class warm up includes any stretches, mobility exercises, or activation movements that are geared specifically to what you’ll be performing for the workout of the day. Afterwards, you’ll talk about the workout at the whiteboard and go over any modifications/strategies the coach feels may be necessary. Then under the watchful eye of your coach, you’ll get to exercise! Typically, we leave a few minutes at the end of class for those that want to get extra accessory or stretching in as well.
If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact us.